Friday, May 27, 2011

Your Back Stage Pass To All Things Bay Street Theatre

We are excited to offer this birds-eye view of regional theater in The Hamptons as Bay Street Theatre on the Long Wharf in Sag Harbor eagerly embarks on its 20th Season.

Yes, you read that correctly folks, it's been 20 years since we first staged Men's Lives, the stage adaptation of Peter Matthiessen's ode to East End Baymen, which received resounding applause from our new patrons who have since celebrated 20 opening seasons with us.

As some of you may well imagine, running a not-for-profit regional equity theatre in The Hamptons is no idle feat. There's staffing and transportation and housing to consider, even before we turn on the footlights to run through rehearsals. In the theater world, 20 years is a milestone to be reckoned with and we are proud to be at the helm of this stalwart ship that each year provides thousands of Hamptonites and tourists alike an evening of true theater on the East End. We enjoy a welcomed relationship with our New York City associates and supporters who make sure to keep Bay Street at the forefront of their social calendar come summer time and can't say enough about our local supporters who make it possible for Bay Street Theatre to continue its mission to challenge and entertain our diverse community with classic and contemporary works.

This season is shaping up to be a headliner with our first Mainstage Production of TRU, featuring Darrell Hammond as iconic Truman Capote, directed by Judith Ivey, in previews May 31 and running through June 26th.

- Tracy Mitchell, executive director

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