Tuesday, June 21, 2011

It's Quite Something

"I just can't say enough about Darrell Hammond in TRU -

"We are really thrilled with the growth of this piece -- it's such a huge undertaking for any actor and Darrell has approached it with such intelligence, love and understanding on who Truman Capote was. Darrell is extraordinary and is only going to get more extraordinary in this roll.

"He does deep, deep research. This is the biggest thing he's ever done and we are so thrilled to be the ones working with him to present this piece. It's quite something.

"Even if you don't know who Truman Capote was -- if you're too young -- (he's one of the great literary icons of he Fifties and Sixties) this show is a wonderful experience both to get to know who Truman Capote was and to have insight into what it is to be an artist and the struggles that it entails."

- Murphy Davis, Artistic Director

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